Botany Research at QERC
Exciting and innovating research is ongoing at QERC. When papers have been produced from a researcher from work at QERC, they are listed here. For more information, please contact us.

- Preliminary Report of the Oxford University Expedition to Costa Rica 1991
- Lauracea Research Project, by Colin Berg 1991
- Bromeliads in the Tropical Rainforest, by Wendy Huckaby 1993
- Plant Species Diversity in the Valley of San Gerardo de Dota, by Sara VandenBosch 1994
- Phenology of Lauraceae in San Gerardo de Dota…a Continuing Study, by Christine L. Duff 1994
- A Base-Line Study of Extractivism Potentials at the QERC in the San Gerardo de Dota Valley in Costa Rica, by Angela E. Cheney 1995
- Light Intensity and Slope/ Aspect Correlations of the East and West Valley Walls of San Gerardo de Dota, by Kristen Borchers 1995
- Medicinal Plants in the Valley of San Gerardo de Dota, by Beth A. Dieleman 1996
- A study of the Number of Lauraceae Trees Located in the Rio Savegre Valley of Costa Rica, by Michelle Fedroza 1996
- Percentages of Flowers and Fruits on Lauraceae Trees in the Cloud Forest of the Cordillera Talamanca, by Angelica M. Vasquez 1997
- Medicinal Plants of the San Gerardo de Dota Cloud Forest Community, by Jennifer Jacobson 1997
- Tree Fern Density and Distribution in San Gerardo de Dota, by Lisa Tebben 1997
- A Study of the Effect of Light on the Number of Species in a Micro-ecosystem, by Nathan Daniel 1997
- Phenological Profile of Lauraceae with Respect to Natural and Human Impact: a Comparative Analysis in San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, by Colleen James 1998
- Tree Ferns of San Gerardo de Dota: A Relationship Between Environmental Conditions and Distribution of dicksonia and sphaeropteris Species, by Jamie Pottier 1998
- Heliconia in the Rio Savegre, by Connie Rush 1999
- A Comparative Study – Secondary Growth in the Tropical Cloud Forest, by Sarah Allen 1999
- Successional Study of Pasture Area in the San Gerardo de Dota Valley, Costa Rica, by Rebecca Rosaler 1999
- Light Gap Analysis: Life at Ground Level, by Lisa Peterson 1999
- Ethnobotany: Exploring the Potential of the Rio Savegre Valley, by Nicole Lang 1999
- Successional Baseline Study of a Lower Montane Forest, by Ben Lassonde 1999
- A Comparison of the Lauraceae Phenology, by Eva Jackson 1999
- A Survey of Bacteria and their Antagonistic Properties in Bromeliads Experiencing Different Light Regimes in a Neotropical Montane Forest, by Melanie S. Spoor 2000
- The Population of Heliconia in the QERC Stream Systems, by Ali Harris 2000
- Ferns are a Sight for Sori (Sore Eyes), by Rebecca Florence Van Ee 2001
- Two Tree Fern Populations and Their Soils, by Lesley Ediger 2001
- A Study of the Natural Climates of Presto acuminate and Genome hoffmanniana in a Cloud Forest at San Gerardo de Dota, by Lizabeth Larson 2002
- A Comparative Study of Epiphyte Load on Trunks of Cloud Forest Oak Trees, by Joseph Regan Hutson 2002
- Asteraceae: A Family of Flowers and Medicinal Uses in Costa Rica, by Candace M.R. Murray 2002
- A Comparative Study of Natural and Unnatural Light Gaps in the San Gerardo de Dota, by Aaron Fouch 2002
- Tree Fall Light Gaps: Percent Area and Average Size in the QERC Tropical Montane Rain Forest, by Brad Christoffersen 2002
- Tropical Ecology and Mistletoe Survey, by Joanna Rice 2002
- A Study of Wildflowers Growing Along the Banks of the Savegre River and their Antimicrobial Properties, by Kelly Pound 2003
- Density and Diversity of Epiphytic Cover on Quercus Trees in a Tropical Montane Rainforest in Costa Rica, by Clark Wenger 2008
- The Relationship Between Fruit Production and the Physical Environment of the Family Lauraceae in San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica by Emily Ogle
- Affects of Habitat Variation of Flower Production in Epiphytic Species of Ericaceae in the Rio Savegre Valley, Costa Rica, by Katherine Field
- Abiotic Factors Influencing the Growth of Tank Bromeliads in Upper Savegre Valley of Costa Rica, by Brittany Solis
- Medicinal Plants of San Gerardo de Dota, by Holly Corwin
- A study of Epiphytic Life on Quercus hosts in Primary and Secondary Forests Within the QERC Forest, San Gerardo de Dota by Jennifer Regier, Clark Wenger, and Natalie Villalobos