Entomology and Arachnology Research at QERC
Exciting and innovating research is ongoing at QERC. When papers have been produced from a researcher from work at QERC, they are listed here. For more information, please contact us.

- A Comparative Study of Caterpillars and Pupations in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest, by Dawn Moore 1993
- Comparative Arthropod Survey, Shawn Dollar 1993
- The Insect Communities of the Leaf Litter of a Primary Growth Montane Rain Forest, by Andrea Nafziger 1994
- A comparison of Spider Diversity at the QERC, by Matthew Dykstra 1996
- Ground Base Analysis of LepidopteraDistribution at San Gerardo De Dota, Costa Rica, by Lúcio Mauricio Ternieden 1997
- Butterflies of Costa Rica, by Julie Ann Birch 1998
- Beetle Analysis, by David Hoffhines 2000