Bruce Hoagland, Ph.D.
- ProfessorQuetzal Education Research Center
Contact Info:
- bhoagland@ou.edu
- http://spider.ags.ou.edu/~hoagland/
- College of A&GS Department of Geography The University of Oklahoma Sarkeys Energy Center, Room 676 100 East Boyd Street Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Dr. Hoagland teaches the Biogeography module of QERC’s Tropical Ecology and Sustainability Course, and also brings his expertise to QERC’s Biome Tour. Dr. Hoagland joined the University of Oklahoma’s faculty in 1996, and has a joint appointment with the Oklahoma Biological Survey, where he serves as a plant ecologist and coordinator of the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory. His research interests include vegetation classification and mapping, analysis of plant species distributions, reconstruction of historical vegetation, and floristic surveys.
Ph.D., Plant Ecology, University of Oklahoma
M.S., Applied Ecology, Eastern Kentucky University
B.A., Biology, University of Louisville
Professor of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma
Plant Ecologist and Coordinator, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory
Notable Accomplishments
Notable Publications
Crawford, PH & BW Hoagland. In press. Can herbarium records be used to map plant invasion over the past 100 years? Journal of Biogeography.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. In press. Vascular flora of an Ozark Plateau site, Ottawa County, Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. In press. The vascular flora of the Cucumber Creek Nature Preserve, LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Castanea.
Hoagland, BW. 2008. Vegetation of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geological Survey Educational Publication #9. Norman.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2008. Vascular flora of the J.T. Nickel Family Nature and Wildlife Preserve. Castanea 73: 16-28.
Hoagland, BW. 2007. A checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Ozark Plateau in Oklahoma, Oklahoma Native Plant Record 7: 21-53.
Find more of Dr. Hoagland’s publications at the University of Oklahoma’s web page.
Major projects at this time include an atlas of the flora of Oklahoma, reconstruction of vegetation of Murray County, Oklahoma (from 1871 and 1897 General Land Office Survey data), and an inventory of wetland plant communities in western Oklahoma.
Summary of Interests
Plant Ecology
Climate Monitoring