15 Apr 2019

Birds of Nicaragua: A Field Guide is Published!

Dr. David Hille, former QERC Field Station Manager and current QERC Ornithology professor, has published Birds of Nicaragua along with co-author Liliana Chavarría-Duriaux. The illustrator of the book is Robert Dean, and publisher is Zona Tropical Press. Those familiar with Birds of Costa Rica will recognize the illustrator and publisher to be the same of the Costa Rican bird field guide staple. The book comes after years of work, and is bound in hopes of increasing knowledge of birds and  sustainable tourism in Nicaragua.

As the largest country in Central America, Nicaragua is home to 768 resident and migratory birds (5 of which have only recently been documented since the printing of this book). Birders from around the world are discovering that Nicaragua is a top-notch birding destination. Because of its unique topography – the country is relatively flat compared to its mountainous neighbors to the north and south – it forms a geographical barrier, which means that many birds reach either their southern or northern distribution limits in Central America inside of the countries borders (78 species). This means that birding the pine-oak and cloud forests of the northern highlands provides a drastically different set of birds to find in comparison to the southern Caribbean lowlands.

Birds of Nicaragua features comprehensive text descriptions, illustrations, and range maps. Additionally, an appendix presents information on 44 species that are likely to be recorded in the coming years. The range maps, based on years of field research, are color-coded to communicate status of each species within the country. Other features include a richly illustrated anatomical features section, a checklist, a visual guide to vultures and raptors in flight, and a quick-find index.
If you’re interested in securing a copy for yourself, you can find the book at the Cornell University Press website and Amazon.

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