Biblical Theology and Global Stewardship

If God’s plan is to redeem all of creation, how might that change the way we think of individual salvation? If creation and redemption are intertwined theologically, how would should we approach the world and its ecology?


This course helps QERC students discern what the Bible and Christian theology articulate about the nature of the world and the place of human persons in that world.  Specific attention will be given to texts in the Bible and to dimensions of God’s sovereignty.  The “rule” and “role” of human persons in creation will be discerned with special attention to issues of agrarian practices, land economies, and sabbath principles.  A variety of resources will be used to discern how to be good stewards of creation in response to modern day concerns and dilemmas in various habitats, ecological situations, and in the politics and economic practices of governments as human persons address the contemporary situation.  As an extension of the theological issues, the course will attempt to faithfully, critically and intentionally integrate the relation with the natural sciences as experts, resources (print & media), and lectures are available.  These might include expert practitioners in physics, cosmology, evolutionary and molecular biology, as well as technology, the environment, and ethics. 


  1. Be able to analyze human relationships with natural systems and other humans within the frameworks of morality, ethics, and environmental and social justice. This will further demonstrate an understanding of how a Christian theology of creation contributes positively to the shaping of healthy perspectives and practices in ecology and the environmental crises.  
  2. Be able to articulate a relational environmental ethos based upon a Christian understanding of the nature of God’s relationship with humans, other species and natural systems and the responsibility given to humans as agents of God’s love and grace. Further, the student will be able to articulate a biblically informed theological perspective on how persons are called to be “stewards” in all areas of their personal lives, such that they might extend that stewardship to all areas of creation proximate to their social arena. The student will be able to articulate an understanding of the importance of the doctrine of creation and a theological perspective on human persons as stewards of God’s creation
  3. Be able to create a logically defensible systematic statement of theological belief.
  4. Be able to articulate a vision for the role that Christian persons have in a larger world including the ability to articulate ways in which interactions with the natural world and the QERC community have altered or reinforced their understanding of what it means to be a Christian person.
  5. Demonstrate a familiarity with important biblical, creedal and theological texts which constitute and give shape to a Christian theology of creation, human nature and creation-care, and in particular, demonstrate a familiarity with a range of writings on various themes in the theology of creation and ecological theology
  6. Understand the social, ecclesial, and political ramifications of theological statements as they pertain to the importance of global stewardship, creation care, and personal responsibility in the Anthropocene age.


Meets SNU’s Foundations of Christian Belief
SNU Course Number: THEO-3263

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